I am excited to serve as the next Mayor of Alexandria, KY
I am excited to serve the citizens of Alexandria as Mayor. As a lifelong resident of Campbell County, I have seen the evolution of our city from a small rural town to a thriving, active, suburban community. I believe that we are in the middle of a very important time of growth for our city. The decisions that we make today will have long reaching effects on all of us, and people that will look to move to Alexandria in the coming years. I feel that it is our duty as elected officials to encourage the growth of our city, but also to manage it in a way that insures we have the resources available to maintain the high level of service that citizens now enjoy.
During my time as Mayor, I will stay true to my pledge of serving the people of Alexandria with Honesty, Integrity, and Commitment, while maintaining a high level of Communication. I will be available not only during the work week but also on nights, weekends and holidays. I believe that “full-time” isn’t enough. I will reply to your emails and phone calls as soon as I receive them, you will not have to wait until I am sitting at a desk in city hall to communicate with me.
If there is something that you would like to discuss, please contact me on my Facebook page, or use the contact form on this website.
Thank you for your time.
Andy Schabell
First and foremost I have always been, and will continue to be honest in everything I do for the citizens of Alexandria. If I tell you something will get done, you can rest assured it will get done. Nothing bothers me more than an elected official telling a citizen that they will take care of something and then not following through on the job.
I will continue to represent the people of Alexandria with integrity. I will not do anything to harm the good name of the city of Alexandria. The citizens of Alexandria have high moral standards, and so do I.
I will attend every meeting and function that I can. I will be wholly committed to making Alexandria a better place to live, work and play. I want my children to grow up in a great community and I will work as hard as I can to make sure that happens.
I will bring to the table a level of communication that has never been seen before in the city of Alexandria. I will maintain this website and post updates as they become available. I will continue my Facebook page and Twitter account so you will have a choice to pick which form of media best suites your needs. Speaking with me and having discussions with your fellow citizens will not be limited to two Thursdays a month
paid for by Andy Schabell
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Paid for by Andrew Schabell